Saturday, January 11, 2020

Layed Off Again

2020 has started off amazing. I have officially been laid off from my job, again. This time, corporate decide to merge our tiny little office into theirs. I was offered a job at corporate; but it was for less money, and an hour and a half away. So, here I am, again, with no job.

I must admit, this job was more polite about it. We found out back in August '19 that this job was ending. I had, had plenty of time to find a new job. Unfortunately, my Mom had been diagnosed with a form of blood cancer. The only cure was a stem cell transplant, and that was about to happen in September. In a stem cell transplant, they basically chemo you enough to destroy your immune system. From there, the donated stem cells, from my youngest brother, are injected into my mother to create a new immune system within her body, and hopefully kill the cancer. This is a month stay long hospital process. Even, now, in January she still needs to go to the hospital for check ups at least twice a week.

The process I new was going to be hard, and I needed a place to stay where I could "zombie" my way around, and that's what I did. We almost lost my Mom in October. When you have no immune system, the tiniest bacteria can kill you, and it almost killed my Mom. Had her new stems cells not bonded with her body, this would be a very different conversation. She survived, and is continually growing strong. I am continually healing from seeing my Mom almost die.

So, I stayed til the end. Now, I have no job and little else to do besides apply for jobs. I started a routine. Working out is definitely one of them. I'm not moving around as much and my body is complaining. I'm selling all my unwanted furniture on Facebook. You would think my house would be cleaner, but it's not. Probably should work on that. I've also been focusing on my eBay. Who knows, maybe I can tell the future man to suck it because of all the eBay sells I have. I have also been making tiktoks and my IG posts have become quite numerous. So, yeah, keeping myself super busy!

Wish me Luck!

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Journal With Me 9/19/20

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